NASA History Available on iTunes U

Humanity’s first exploration of the Moon form part of the new resources available from NASA’s iTunes U site. Photo Credit: NASA

Forty-three years after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin left humanity’s first footprints on another world, NASA has added an extensive collection of historical video, audio, photographs and documents to the iTunes U platform.

The agency’s History Program Office iTunes U site currently holds around 300 items relating to its most pivotal missions and moments and is free to download. “New materials will continue to be uploaded as we expand the coverage, both in depth and breadth,” said NASA Chief Historian Bill Barry. “We’re thrilled to educate people on NASA’s rich history and are open to user suggestions and requests.”

Of particular note is documentation pertaining to the Apollo lunar missions, together with eBooks from NASA’s History Series – amongst them Asif Siddiqi’s Challenge to Apollo and all four volumes of the late Boris Chertok’s Rockets and People. The resources can be accessed from

Missions » Apollo »

One Comment

  1. Soooo . . . when will some of the critically acclaimed books on human spaceflight written by Ben Evans be made available? Maybe then I reckon I’ll go out and buy me one of them there dad-burned newfangled Ipad contraptions. If it’s “user suggestions and requests” they would like, consider this a suggestion and request.

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