In a great rebuttal to those, such as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who have often made the criticism that Constellation has not produced new technology, a commenter on The Huntsville Times noted in Commenters proclaim benefits of Constellation, including ‘deep throttling’ that,
“Wait, wasn’t that developed under the Constellation Program for the Altair lander? But I thought that the Constellation Program didn’t have any new technology and had nothing to show for the $9B spent so far? What gives?!? That can just be added to the Ares I-X, Pad Abort 1, new friction stir welding processes & equipment, J-2X demonstrators and full up engine that will be completed this year, new test stand @ SSC, launch pad and tower @ KSC, AR&D on Orion, 5 segment RSRB, etc. etc.” – jabbadhutt