Florida Today’s space blog, “Flame Trench” is carrying a story titled Nelson Proposes Tax Breaks For Space about a proposal by Florida’s senior Senator Bill Nelson to incentivize commercial space firms to locate and do business at 5 regional business zones near NASA centers.
“Tax breaks for commercial space-related businesses are the focus of a bill proposed by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Orlando, whose Commercial Space Jobs and Investment Act would allow businesses around centers like Kennedy Space Center to qualify for major tax breaks and other incentives.
In up to five regional business enterprise zones, the bill would grant increased tax breaks or tax credits for equity investment, research, depreciation, and education and job training for the commercial space industry.
The Florida Democrat will discuss his plan Tuesday at KSC.
The fledgling commercial space industry would find it easier to attract investment under the conditions of the bill.
“This would draw capital,” Frank DiBello, Space Florida president, said. “I see it as a significant incentive.””