Curiosity successfully landed on Mars at 1:31 EDT, according to CalTech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), who led the Mars Science Laboratory project for NASA. From the re-orientation of Odyssey to Curiosity’s cruise stage separation, from the opening of the parachutes to the back shell separation, from the powered descent to the deployment of the Sky Crane, Curiosity’s landing appears to be textbook perfect. Within minutes of landing, Curiosity began to return pictures from its Hazcams of Mars and the rover itself.
The MSL Curiosity team, who made this mission successful, has earned a place in aerospace history and the gratitude of our nation and the world. We offer our congratulations to them, JPL, and NASA.
More Curiosity coverage to follow shortly, so stay tuned to AmericaSpace.
Le mie felicitazioni a tutto lo staff tecnico e scientifico della NASA che ha permesso di ottenere questo importante successo.
Questo è solo l’inizio, anche se si è trattato di una impresa memorabile. Ora comincia l’avventura di Curiosity.
Buon lavoro a tutta la squadra che lo guiderà -giorno dopo giorno- per le pianure ed i crateri di Marte e buon viaggio a Curiosity!