Life just got a bit tougher for those in Congress, especially on the Democratic side, thinking of opposing H.R. 5781.
Today, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers wrote of support for H.R. 5781. As noted in the IAM’s letter,
“We believe that this bipartisan effort by the House Science and Technology Committee represents a viable way forward for NASA and America’s human space flight program.
H.R. 5781 provides for an additional Space Shuttle launch, dependent upon a thorough safety review; supports the continuation of the International Space Station until 2020; continues development of the safest and most advanced manned space vehicle, the Orion spacecraft; accelerates the development of a new heavy lift launch system that will enable missions beyond low earth orbit; makes a significant investment in space research; and, rebuilds the long neglected infrastructure of Kennedy Space Center.
America’s human space flight program has long been an incubator of new and innovation technologies and products, and, absent an industrial policy, NASA has been an inportant genorator of new manufacturing jobs. H.R. 5781 will preserve America’s leadership in space exploration while preserving many of the high skill jobs critical to NASA’s success.”
We could not have said it better ourselves.