As Atlas Rolls to SLC-41, Delta IV Undergoes WDR in Preparation for August Launch

AmericaSpace Delta IV Medium SLC 37 WGS 6 Wideband Global Satcom photo credit John Studwell
A Delta IV Medium rocket underwent a “Wet Dress Rehearsal” on July 17 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’s Space Launch Complex 37. Photo Credit: John Studwell / AmericaSpace

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla — In a day marked by many events dedicated to preparing for the launch of an Atlas V 551 rocket, over at nearby Space Launch Complex 37 (SLC-37) a Delta IV rocket underwent what is known as Wet Dress Rehearsal, or “WDR.” Both events took place at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on July 17.

Today’s WDR was conducted to validate that the Delta IV Medium is ready to deliver the Wideband Global Satcom 6 (WGS-6) for launch, currently set to take place Wednesday, August 7 at 8:29 p.m. EDT.

As for the Atlas V, United Launch Alliance (ULA) has about 44 minutes to get the rocket off the pad and into the skies Friday, July 19. The launch window opens at 8:48 a.m. EDT.

ULA operates both the Atlas V and Delta IV family of launch vehicles.

*CORRECTION* (The original posting of this update incorrectly stated that the time of the WGS-6 launch was going to take place in the a.m.—in fact the time will be in the p.m.) *CORRECTION*


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  1. Not sure which one is correct but I had been under the impression that the launch time for WGS-6 was at 8:29 pm rather than 8:29 am on the 7th of August. I have been wrong before though 🙂

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