While we will never be drawn into that partisan mess that is healthcare legislation, there is an interesting rumor about the White House efforts to secure passage of the Healthcare Bill before the House from Blue Dog Democrats, as reported in the Conservative rag Human Events titled, Republicans To Force Up and Down Vote On Healthcare Bill.
“Most interesting rumor from the Hill yesterday: Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.) who announced his retirement from Congress has been promised the job of NASA administrator in exchange for his vote”
AmericaSpace Note: Bolden has been too good of a soldier of the Administration’s inane space plan, so we doubt the Administration would simply dump him. Still, when you are the co-author of such a monumental policy and political mess that is the current plan to end NASA’s Constellation program that now requires Rahm Emmanuel’s personal involvement, when your actions require that the President go down to Florida to try to shore the state up so that he has a chance at winning it in 2012, when there’s even the possibility of defeat on the NASA Budget, which would be a first, because of the political tsunami you’ve created, your career could be in for a change.