Rosetta Scientists Answer Question of How ‘Rubber Duck’ Comet 67P Got Its Shape

Image from July 14, 2015 showing the double-lobed or "rubber duck" shape of Comet 67P and outgassing of water vapor, gas and dust. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0
Image from July 14, 2015, showing the double-lobed or “rubber duck” shape of Comet 67P and outgassing of water vapor, gas, and dust. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, or 67P, has been the focus of intense study by the Rosetta spacecraft since 2014. One of the key mysteries scientists have been trying to figure out is how the comet became the odd “rubber duck” shape that it is, with its two distinct lobes. Now they think they have the answer: Comet 67P was formed by the collision of two other, separate comets which fused together to form its distinctive shape.

The intriguing shape of the comet was first seen in detail by Rosetta in July 2014, and planetary scientists wondered if it formed from the erosion of a single object to create the “neck” of the comet, or if two separate objects collided and became joined together. Now it seems that the latter is the explanation.

High-resolution images taken between Aug. 6, 2014, and March 17, 2015, were used to study multiple layers of material on the comet’s nucleus, which showed that shape resulted from the low-speed collision of two previous, separate comets.

Illustration of the various layering seen on the surface of Comet 67P. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA; M. Massironi et al (2015)
Illustration of the various layering seen on the surface of Comet 67P. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA; M. Massironi et al (2015)

“It is clear from the images that both lobes have an outer envelope of material organised in distinct layers, and we think these extend for several hundred meters below the surface,” said Matteo Massironi, lead author from the University of Padova, Italy, and an associate scientist of the OSIRIS team.

“You can imagine the layering a bit like an onion, except in this case we are considering two separate onions of differing size that have grown independently before fusing together,” he added.

Over 100 layers, or terraces, were seen in the images, as well as parallel layers of material in exposed cliff walls and pits on the surface of the comet. Massironi and his colleagues then created a 3-D model of the comet to determine what directions the layers were sloping and estimate how they extended deeper into the subsurface. The result was that the layers were coherently oriented all around the comet’s lobes and in some places extended to a depth of about 2,132 feet (650 meters).

The unusual double-lobed or "rubber duck" shape of Comet 67P has been a mystery, but now scientists think it resulted from the collision of two other comets. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA
The unusual double-lobed or “rubber duck” shape of Comet 67P has been a mystery, but now scientists think it resulted from the collision of two other comets. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA

“This was the first clue that the two lobes are independent, reinforced by the observation that the layers are inclined in opposite directions close to the comet’s neck,” said Massironi, noting that “to be sure, we also looked at the relationship between the local gravity and the orientations of the individual features all around the reconstructed comet surface.”

The new results have been reported in the journal Nature and were presented yesterday at the European Planetary Science Congress in Nantes, France.

So how does this show that the comet formed from an impact of two other objects? According to the scientists, layers of material should form at right angles to the gravity of an object. The team used two comet models to test their ideas, the first with the comet as a single body with a center of mass close to the neck, and in the second, as two separate comets, each having its own center of mass. They found that the model with two separate objects fit the observations, with the orientation of a given layer and the direction of the local gravity being closer to perpendicular in that model.

That may sound a bit confusing, but according to Massironi: “This points to the layered envelopes in the comet’s head and body forming independently before the two objects merged later. It must have been a low-speed collision in order to preserve such ordered strata to the depths our data imply.”

It was also noted by co-author Bjorn Davidsson of Uppsala University in Sweden that “In addition, the striking structural similarities between the two lobes imply that despite their initially independent origins, they must have formed through a similar accretion process.”

He added, “Layering has also been observed on the surface of other comets during previous flyby missions, suggesting that they also underwent a similar formation history.”

The team also observed, however, that while erosion by itself doesn’t explain the double-lobed shape of the comet, it does still play a role, accounting for variations in the surface structure. That can happen when different rates of sublimation (ice turning into gas) of frozen gasses are not distributed evenly through the body of the comet.

The findings shed important light on how comets, including 67P, form.

“How the comet got its curious shape has been a major question since we first saw it. Now, thanks to this detailed study, we can say with certainty that it is a ‘contact binary’,” said Holger Sierks, OSIRIS principal investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen.

Matt Taylor, a Rosetta project scientist, also noted that “This result adds to our growing knowledge of the comet – how it formed and its evolution,” adding that “Rosetta will continue to observe the comet for another year, to get the maximum amount of information on this celestial body and its place in the history of our Solar System.”

Illustration showing how the Rosetta team thinks the two lobes of Comet 67P formed. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA; M. Massironi et al (2015)
Illustration showing how the Rosetta team thinks the two lobes of Comet 67P formed. Image Credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA; M. Massironi et al (2015)

The Rosetta spacecraft also recently observed “dramatic and rapid changes” on the surface of Comet 67P as it orbited closer to the Sun, with unusual circular features forming on the icy surface in the Imhotep region which then  expanded and combined to form a new, larger circle. The changes show what an active and evolving body the comet is as it is warmed by the Sun. Rosetta studied the comet closely during perihelion, the closest point in the comet’s orbit to the Sun, on Aug. 13, 2015. It was the first orbiting spacecraft to observe a comet close-up during that time.

Earlier, Rosetta had watched as the comet blasted out huge amounts of water, helping to form the spectacular jets of water vapor, gas, and dust that comets are famous for. Rosetta continues to orbit Comet 67P, making further detailed observations of this fascinating body, which is a relic from the early formation of the Solar System. Such primordial chunks of rock and ice, like comets and asteroids, help planetary scientists better understand how the Solar System formed and the conditions that allowed life to form on Earth and perhaps elsewhere as well.

“The two independent and primitive envelopes of the bilobate nucleus of comet 67P/C-G,” by M. Massironi et al., was published as Advanced Online Publication on today.

More information about the Rosetta mission is available here.


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  1. 足跡を踏破する世界のティソは、1853年、タブ要衝スイス力ロック正式の誕生以来、地域の限界を越えて、まぜる優良な伝統と革新のインスピレーション、ブランドの時計を持ってすばらしい作品世界各地まで。2013年に創立160週年を祝ってティソその旅行者精神を分かち合うことは、発売を表示することができる世界24時間のタイムゾーンHeritage Navigator 160週年記念愛蔵版経典世界時間自動時計のほか、特別に開催された「160年环宇漫遊」の計招待試合切手、各界の人々に「旅」をテーマに、創作の切手設計、その小さなに切手をティソ連れの旅行者の精神世界の隅々まで。ブランドコピー時計今回は設計試合に誘われてグロリア-イップさんを判定するほかに、彼女はよりと他の2人審判団メンバー――有名なグラフィックデザイナー余孝扬さんやスイスティソグローバル黄暁明さんと一緒に参加しまし大使切手設計とともに、試合の冠、亜や3位作品と一緒に作った真実のご利用をスイス印ティソ「160年环宇漫遊記念切手」シリーズの証人として、歴史時刻。

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  4. はHamiltonとリーヴァをコラボした「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」の新シリーズ表項、双方の密接な協力と厳しく要求で、ついには2007年後半に登場。「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」が最初からのスケッチデザイン1本の表の完成を作って、全行程表にスイス専門技術を懐かしい雰囲気と現代モード感を完璧に解け合って、アイデアの元素を最大限に発揮し。「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」がそれぞれ出し男ものの時計とパンパン項、一項ごとに表使うのはトップと豪勢な材質をHamilton契合リーヴァや製品の品質に完璧を求めて。スーパーコピー時計同じように無数の嵐を経験して試練のリーヴァヨット世界チャンピオンとしていつも伴っ素手で潜水Pierre Frolla深く潜行のHamilton腕時計、「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」はリーヴァとHamilton不敵厳しい環境の極緻の傑作。

  5. Millenary 4101ミレニアム腕時計はブランドの一番の注目作。頼り外観美実態は、完璧な技術と精密複雑な構造、腕時計の自然注目見とれ。機械装置を設置楕円型ケースの中に、現在その美。ムーブメントをAudemars Piguet(オーデマピゲ)独立研究開発、創製と生産の4101型自動的にムーブメントは、通常深い底の部分を余すところなく披露表。配備を下らない12枚板橋、巧みに配列が円弧状、優雅な現。八枚ゴールド?慣性もりを可変慣性摆轮も、目の前には世間。えこひいき時指針が法則を独立秒針盤、独創性。スーパーコピー時計すべての優れた機械設計完璧に溶け込んでMillenaryミレニアムシリーズの経典の特徴の中に:楕円文字盤、スクラブケースと研磨ベゼルの微妙なコントラストおよび偏心文字盤とローマ数字時間尺度。表のその立体感と技術の性能を。

  6. 今回が初披露したSerpent Calendarシリーズ一度立ち上げつまり人気業界評価、コピーブランドその創作の理念が質素でシンプルがかなりあって深い寓意:独特の蛇状日付指針巧みな表現が地球の時間と変遷し、精巧な弧度デザインも確かに保日付指針ないと他の指針を重ねて、その結果読み取り困難;ケースのクラシックスタイルは完璧を復刻したイギリス早期懐中時計の厳格なと精緻で、よく見るの下、優雅に書かローマ数字のデザインが絶妙で、数字の輪郭に沿って文字盤に心の方向が細くなり、ほんの些細なことを付与した腕時計、きめ細やかでちょうど鮮やかな流動性。完全に手作りのカレンダーをSerpentに凝った古典タブと頂点芸敬意を表すの佳作の一つで、もっとと呼ぶSpeake-Marinうピークの傑出した代表作。

  7. 紹介によると、赫柏林このブランドはいま家族の第3世代の人が経営、赫柏林表も外観デザインや品質の上で、すべて持ってフランスロマンチックと繊細な性格。設計上のオリジナリティも比較的地味、線は優雅な。このブランドの品質について、肖晓もまた、「彼らの品質も守って家族の使命感、利益と家族の栄誉感の選択の中で彼らに後者より。」

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