WASHINGTON — NASA is inviting eligible educational institutions, museums, and other organizations to screen and request historical space artifacts.
The artifacts represent significant human spaceflight technologies, processes, and the accomplishments of NASA’s many programs. NASA and the General Services Administration worked together to ensure road access to space artifacts and to provide a web-based electronic artifacts viewing capability. This is the 17th time, since 2009, NASA has made this opportunity available.
The web-based artifacts module is located here: http://gsaxcess.gov/NASAWel.htm
Eligible participants may view the artifacts and request specific items at the website through May 6. Only schools and museums are eligible to receive artifacts. They must register online using an assigned Department of Education number or through the state agency responsible for surplus property.
The artifacts are free of charge. Eligible organizations must cover shipping costs and any special handling fees. Shipping fees on smaller items will be relatively inexpensive, while larger items may involve extensive disassembly, preparation, shipping, and reassembly costs. NASA will work closely with eligible organizations, on a case-by-case basis, to address any unique special handling costs.
Special items, such as space shuttle thermal protective tiles and packages of three packets of astronaut food, also are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Instructions for requesting artifacts and special items are linked on the website home page.
To date, more than 7,700 artifacts from programs, including the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, space shuttle, and the Hubble Space Telescope, have been given to eligible museums, schools, universities, libraries, and planetariums in all 50 U.S. states. Artifacts are on display for 42 days. NASA organizations must register their requests within the first 21 days. All other eligible organizations may register their requests after the first 21 days. After the viewing period ends, organizations will be notified about the status of their requests.
For more about NASA and agency programs, visit: http://www.nasa.gov
Joshua Buck
Headquarters, Washington