NASA Administrator Charles Bolden will conduct a media event at Kennedy Spac Center in Florida. Photo Credit: NASA
NASA has announced an opportunity for the media to interview NASA Administrator Charles Bolden at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida on Friday Feb. 17, in KSC’s Multi-Payload Processing Facility (MPPF). The event is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. EST. Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana is also slated to attend.
The MPPF is where the recently-arrived Orion spacecraft is housed. This particular spacecraft was used by ground crews during the test of the launch abort system that took place in New Mexico in 2010. Orion is the spacecraft that NASA plans to use to send astronauts beyond low-Earth-orbit (LEO) for the first time in four decades.
Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana is also scheduled to attend Friday's event. Photo Credit: Jason Rhian
Bolden and Cabana will be speaking to the media concerning NASA’s present status as well as the space agency’s plans for the future. According to a NASA press release, Bolden and Cabana will go over NASA’s new heavy-lift launcher, the Space Launch System or SLS as it is commonly called (the design of which is currently being determined) and Orion.
Bolden’s visit comes three days after a conference to start pre-proposals for the next round of contracts for the Commercial Crew Program. NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver was supposed to give opening remarks and conduct a tour that was to include the MPPF. She was forced to cancel due to technical issues with her commercial flight.
Bolden and Cabana are expected to provide details concerning both the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System during a media event scheduled for Friday. Image Credit: NASAMissions » ISS » COTS »