Jetstream Collectibles, a replica and model company based out of New Jersey, has decided to promote the space shuttle program’s 30-year history. To accomplish this, the company has reached out to several astronauts that have flown on the space shuttle in order for these space flyers to have the their personal stories commemorated on a limited run of 100 shuttle replicas per astronaut.
Space enthusiasts can expect to get far more than a signed shuttle replica however. Each replica has a plate at the base denoting each mission that the astronaut flew, how long the mission was, how many orbits it flew and when it landed. Each astronaut is asked to select one mission in particular that stands out as their favorite and that mission has its patch included as well as a glossy 8X10 photo highlighting the final three space shuttle missions and the astronaut’s biography.
Two-time space shuttle veteran Robert C. Springer was the first astronaut to participate in Jetstream Collectibles “Legacy Shuttles” project. He spoke a bit about what made him want to participate in the project.

“I’m very proud of what my crewmates and I accomplished on our two missions,” Springer said from his home. “It is good to see Jetstream Collectibles working on something to acknowledge all of the space shuttle program’s many achievements.”
Jetstream Collectibles is currently working to complete Springer’s series of shuttle replicas before moving on to the next astronaut in the line – which is currently slated to be Scott Parazynski M.D. Parazynski flew on five shuttle missions – a fact which added a bit more work for Tony Zaremba – the owner of Jetstream Collectibles.
“It is real easy to fit two missions on the plates that we are using for the 1/200 scale replicas,” Zaremba said during a recent phone interview. “But when you get past three – it takes a bit of work! That said, we want to accurately chronicle the astronaut’s experiences on-orbit and are working to coordinate with them so that they are pleased with the end result.”
In the case of Parazynski, Zaremba is working to have larger bases used forParazynski’s replicas so as to accomodate the extra missions the astronaut conducted.
To find out more about the “Legacy Shuttles” line visit: www.jetstreamcollectibles.com the company also has a page on Facebook or you can reach them by calling 908-362-0111.
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