Another great article by the Wall Street Journal’s Andy Pasztor, NASA to Devise New Spending Plan to Placate Congress. Subscription required.
Money quote:
“…the hearing ended with a consensus that a revised spending package would be submitted soon.
‘I’m concerned we don’t have a road map,’ said Rep. C.A. Ruppersberger, a Maryland Democrat who generally supports the commercial push. Referring to the proposal to quickly end Constellation, Mr. Ruppersberger said, ‘the whole program being cancelled is too quick.’
Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican, urged the NASA chief to ‘find a reasonable middle ground’ by retaining portions of the current efforts on Ares V or other heavy-lift rocket work. NASA is expected to provide some answers in the next three weeks.
Mr. Wolf urged NASA and the White House to work with lawmakers ‘to see if we can come up with something that will resolve’ the major disputes.
The NASA chief responded by saying that President Barack Obama is ‘engaged in space policy’ and has ‘promised that we’re going to find a way to come together.'”
AmericaSpace Note: That old saying about digging a hole seems very pertinent here for NASA’s executive management and the Obama Administration.
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