The aerospace industry is typically filled with engineers, scientists and pilots. Hardly the segment of the population that is subject to expounding on the virtues of their trade in prose or through some other format. That said, every once and a while, a campaign, image or video comes along that simply nails what the men and women of the industry have been trying to say.
Such is the case with a recent PSA produced by the Coalition for Space Exploration. Entitled, “Think Outside the Circle,” the video takes us on a visual tour of America, we are followed along the way by a very familiar sight – the space shuttle. What this PSA does is it highlights, simply yet eloquently all the places (most of which we are oblivious to) that the space program enters our daily lives.
“Think Outside the Circle is a new online PSA campaign encouraging Americans to stop and think about how our space program positively impacts life on Earth. Seeing that highly familiar image of a Space Shuttle rolling across America drives home the reality that tackling big challenges like space exploration brings benefits that are pervasive throughout our society,” said Coalition for Space Exploration Chairman Glenn Mahone. “When making choices about our future and our national priorities, we want Americans to think outside the circle when it comes to our investments in space exploration.”
As the shuttle era draws to a close, there is a very real possibility that the U.S. will move away from manned space flight endeavors. This PSA is a good way to remind Americans of all the ways that space travel enriches us internationally, nationally – and individually.
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