Two Days Until History: Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Mike Collins participate in a nationally televised press conference held two days prior to their launch to the Moon. The conference originated from Kennedy Space Center on the evening of July 14, 1969.
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I found the press conference with the Apollo 11 astronauts following their return to the moon to a fascinating experience. For the first time in human history, three men who flew to the moon had the opportunity to speak directly with the press and the American people. With Armstrong and Aldrin giving their accounts of the landing and moonwalk, the atmosphere in the room was both electrifying and humbling. Two human beings who were the first to step foot on another world – an amazing sense of perspective and awe 44 years hence!
Correction to first sentence:
I found the press conference with the Apollo 11 astronauts following their return from the moon to be a fascinating experience.
Sorry for the errors.