Romney Mentions Neil Armstrong During RNC Acceptance Speech

Photo Credit: NASA

TAMPA, Fla. – During his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on Aug. 30, Mitt Romney highlighted the accomplishments of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon who passed away on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. During his acceptance speech, Romney said the following:

“The soles of Neil Armstrong’s boots on the Moon made permanent impressions on our souls… God bless Neil Armstrong.”

Romney’s comments were made to highlight the concept of American exceptionalism. However, on the campaign trail Romney said the following concerning what he would do if a business executive:

“If I had a business executive come to me and say I want to spend a few hundred billion dollars to put a colony on the moon, I’d say, ‘You’re fired,” Romney said during a debate held in Jacksonville in response to then-candidate Newt Gingrich’s comments on space.


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  1. This is a great site except for these ventures into politics. It’s a shame that some writers use this site as their own personal internet bullhorn. Articles like this serve no useful purpose and enlighten no one.

    • Hey John,

      The site and it’s writers and editors try to be balanced. It would be helpful to us in our future work if you would point out to us where we were not so in this case.


      Jim Hillhouse
      Sr. Editor

  2. Or, seen in another light, pointing out a man who played a key role in what was a great national accomplishment as a means of inspiring us to once again explore.

    Jim Hillhouse

  3. John,

    I’m a moderate & don’t have a political “bullhorn.” Given the interest in this year’s election – Romney’s statement is topical and therefore newsworthy & the blurb mentions both Romney’s comments last night & on the campaign trail – which highlights potentially positive and negative aspects of his statement – it is therefore unbiased. This along with the fact that the same attention would be paid to Obama’s comments at the DNC convention make your comments baseless and inaccurate. Part of being unbiased means that BOTH sides express their points of view and have them debated – not just your own.

    Sincerely, Jason Rhian

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